
Nespresso Masterclass

Become a home barista

Nespresso shares knowledge about coffee and how to make it. It’s all about making your favorite little black or big one with foam taste like it’s served in a coffee shop.

NESPRESSO Master Class Zestaw MAIN_920x669_Final

Task of the agency

Production nine spots promotional spots “Nespresso Masterclass”, educating on about the new line coffees Vertuo. The prepared videos supported the brand’s social media campaign. See the results of our work!

NESPRESSO MasterClas Zestaw WWW_1138x1114

We acted comprehensively

  • We have prepared scenarios and texts 
  • We have found the perfect location 
  • We organized a film set with scenery  
  • We produced an overall series of spots 
  • We did the post-production and animation to make the video more attractive


Play Video about Nespresso

What was it like on the set?

The recording of the spots took place at the peak of the 2nd wave of the pandemic and was carried out under a strict sanitary regime. The joint 10-hour quarantine while waiting for the test results had a surprisingly positive effect on the atmosphere during the recording, resulting in a fantastic end result!

See the results of our work!

NESPRESSO MasterClas Zestaw WWW_1138x11144
NESPRESSO MasterClass Zestaw WWW_2300x860

Creative Answer was responsible for the overall production and post-production of the video footage, as well as the sanitation of the set.

See other projects

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