
Kamionkowska 1

We work for developers

The investment at Kamionkowska 1 is an example of an effectively executed digital campaign that met and even exceeded the client’s expectations. What were our tasks and how did we contribute?  

TRYBON Kamionkowska Zestaw WWW_1137x9184
TRYBON Kamionkowska Zestaw WWW_1137x918

Task of the agency

Implementation of effective communication on Facebook for the developer Tryboń PPI. The aim of the activities was to increase interest in the company’s offerings and increase brand recognition in the Warsaw market. At the time of the campaign, there was a boom in the real estate development market, so our activities had to stand out both with an interesting concept and a proposal of effective tools that helped us achieve our goal.


The main goal we set for ourselves was to direct users to a website where the idea of the company, its key benefits and, most importantly, its offer were clearly communicated. We used Facebook as an effective tool for acquiring leads.

TRYBON Kamionkowska Zestaw WWW_1138x1114
TRYBON Kamionkowska Zestaw WWW_1138x11142

Way to go

  • We skillfully redirected traffic from social media to the website;
  • We used social media to collect leads, which helped to implement a sales-visit campaign;
  • We effectively managed a small budget, using it for effective tools.

The effects of our activities

The client has seen a significant increase in apartment sales – since the beginning of the campaign, more than 15 apartments have been sold at just one development, and a little-known development has seen a sharp increase in interest.

TRYBON Kamionek Zestaw MAIN_920x669_Final_v1
TRYBON Kamionkowska Zestaw WWW_2300x860

Creative Answer was responsible for planning and running the sales campaign and for preparing graphic materials.

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