People have been telling each other stories since the dawn of time. However, not all of them have survived to this day. Those that made it into the memory of the audience were full of vivid descriptions and interesting twists, and thus had the power to arouse people’s emotions.
We will help you tell your brand’s story by relating to the emotions of your target audience. We will run your company fan page, focusing on the benefits of your products and services, thus building a positive image of your brand online. Entrust us to create a profile and professionally conduct activities on: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Tik Tok.
Nothing complements a good story like interesting pictures. We will prepare beautiful graphic posts and animations for you to showcase your product in the best possible way. On social media, you only have a few seconds to grab a user’s attention, so it’s important that your graphic content stands out and encourages interaction.
Our social media team will take care of: #professional fanpage management #content marketing #company instagram #maintaining a profile on linkedin.
Running social media profiles is not just about content marketing.
It is also to maintain a dialogue with fans through active moderation. Our moderators know how to talk to those who love your brand, but also to those who speak negatively about it.
Our team keeps its finger on the pulse to ensure that communication in the comments under the posts takes place in a friendly and understanding atmosphere.
Media activitiy
However, interesting content is not everything. Algorithms on Facebook or Instagram limit the visibility of brands’ posts, which makes it necessary to launch paid promotion if we want the content created by the brand to have a greater reach.
Our media specialists will increase your reach by:
Promotions of ongoing posts
Running lead campaigns
Let us lead your advertising campaigns that will increase your brand recognition and sales of the offered products or services. #WeHelpSell
Days of Warsaw
Online campaign to promote the event
SD Academy
Preparation of a comprehensive communication strategy in Social Media
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