

You can only make a first impression once, and 60% of customers say packaging is important or very important to them when making a purchase decision*.

Nowadays, if a product is to be noticed, it must stand out. Innovation, good composition, but also packaging. It is the one that catches the consumer’s eye and prompts him to take a closer look at the product. It is called a silent salesman and sometimes works more effectively than many advertisements.

(*source TNS OBOP).

CA BOX Ocean Zestaw WWW_1137x9182
CA BOX Wyciagane Zestaw WWW_1137x918

Explore the offer

Packaging of new products

You already have a new product. It’s perfect, but …you won’t sell it without packaging. And while we often hear that it’s the inside that counts, we buy products with our eyes. Beautiful and confidence-inspiring packaging will entice consumers to reach for your product. We know how to create such packaging and what messages to put on it. Let us design the layout of your product.

Refreshing existing packaging

Everyone needs a change from time to time. The packaging of your product also. You don’t have to make a revolution right away. Often a small change makes a big difference. We will do a refreshing of your packaging so that it fits in with current trends and stands out on the shelf. Deciding on a packaging makeover?

Commemorative boxes

We also design greeting boxes for creative mailings, business gift shipments, gifts for Santa Claus, Children’s Day or other commonly celebrated holidays. We create classic, but also creative boxes with interesting die-cutting and unusual graphics that guarantee a WOW effect. In addition, we will perform a packaging service for you, putting the finished product in the hands of your customers.

Want to talk about the offer?

Packaging design, however, is not everything. We can also support you in aspects such as:

Product logo

Graphic design is one thing, but a product also needs a name and logo. We will prepare a logotype for you or refresh the existing one, so that it is consistent with the nature of the brand and the latest trends.

Packaging production

We will produce for you boxes designed by us or boxes whose design you already have. We will recommend raw material, prototype and produce finished packaging.

CA BOX Ocean Zestaw WWW_1137x9183
CA Platforma B2B_Ikony_2023 04 20-10

Additional services:

We support our customers comprehensively, offering the service of packaging, logistics and warehousing. With us you will do the production comprehensively from graphic design to the result in the form of a delivered box.

Our agency will also support you in preparing advertising materials such as, for example, catalogs, flyers and digital materials to promote your product!

Explore the agency’s full offer!

CA BOX Wyciagane Zestaw WWW_2300x860

Creative Answer will prepare for you a comprehensive production of product packaging or occasional boxes. Design, manufacturing, packaging, logistics and warehousing - everything it's in-house!

Want to know more?

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