Another campaign for UPC that we will remember for a long time! Why? Because together with the client we came up with the idea to do something new this time! What was it? Keep reading!
Task of the agency
Selecting UPC Business product ambassadors and preparing a set of materials for the 360 UPC B2B campaign. What did we propose?
Credibility of ambassadors
When planning to work on a campaign for UPC Business, we decided with the client to replace the stock photos used so far with photos of real people who are successful in business. We organized a dedicated session, to attend in which we invited the finalist of UPC’s Think Big startup, BillTech.
On our side:
recruitment of ambassadors
photo shoot
postproduction of photos
Preparation of a set of print, digital, social materials
BTL production, logistics, warehousing
Creative Answer was responsible for the overall 360-degree campaign, including recruiting ambassadors, organizing the photo shoot and preparing campaign materials.
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