
Siewierska 18

Premium investment, premium identification

Real estate, like any product, needs strategy, branding and communication materials. We are happy to have had our creative input on this project.

Siewierska Zestaw MAIN_920x669_Final v1
SIEWIERSKA Zestaw WWW_1137x9183

The agency's task:

The Agency was tasked with creating the visual identity of the investment and preparing sales materials.


We created an elegant logotype, inspired by the simple lines of the building’s body. The color scheme alludes to the prestige of the investment.

Siewierska Zestaw MAIN_920x669_Final
SIEWIERSKA Zestaw WWW_1138x1114

Social media activities

We also created creations to promote the investment on social media.

SIEWIERSKA Zestaw WWW_2300x4752

Creative Answer was responsible for preparing the visual identity of the investment and advertising materials for the sales department.

See other projects

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