
Nespresso Yoga Day

We care about wellness

This is our next project for Nespresso’s HR Department. This time, in celebration of the holidays, which for many of us are better known by the phrase “Christmas fever,” Nespresso invited its employees to go into slow mode and take an online yoga class. What did we have to do with it?

NESPRESSO YOGA Zestaw MAIN_920x669_Final
NESPRESSO Yoga Zestaw WWW_1138x1114

Task of the agency

Organizing an online yoga event for Nespresso employees and preparing materials to promote the event.

Slow yoga for the busy

For the event, we prepared yoga gift packs for employees, which included the occasional T-shirt, mat and other goodies needed for exercise.

Thus equipped, the workers could indulge in a practice designed to help them relax their bodies and quiet their minds.

The classes were conducted by a professional instructor, and in addition, as a Christmas gift, employees received passes with access to an online yoga platform.

NESPRESSO Yoga Zestaw WWW_1138x11142
NESPRESSO Yoga Zestaw WWW_1600x600

Creative Answer was responsible for the concept and organization of the event, the preparation and shipment of gift packs, as well as the design of graphic materials to promote the event among employees.

Other projects

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