
Christmas Gifts

... that, Ho Ho Ho!

Where St. Santa can’t, there CA will send! We love Christmas, so we were happy to play the role of Elves, roll up our sleeves and complete another successful project!

CA PREZENTY Zestaw MAIN_920x669_Final

Task of the agency

Creative idea of Christmas gifts for business partners and employees of one of our clients.

Gifts for business partners

The client asked us for unorthodox gifts, so we proposed a themed gift that is associated with the magic of Christmas and will be an atmospheric decoration of any interior.

We picked out beautiful wooden nutcracker figurines associated with the famous ballet and packaged them in dedicated and 100% made by us elegant creative boxes.

The packaging was also a gift, as we prepared it so that after unwrapping the gift, you can give the box a second life. A beautiful gift for the recipient and for Mother Earth! #WeCare4Planet

Christmas Cards

Printed greeting cards are a beautiful gesture and appreciated more than just an electronic form of greetings.

So we added themed cards with warm and heart-warming wishes to the gifts we prepared.

Gifts for employees

We also prepared sweet gifts for employees in the form of beautiful Christmas socks filled to the brim with candy. We hope they sweetened the busy pre-Christmas time for our client’s employees.

CA PREZENTY Zestaw WWW_2300x660

Creative Answer was responsible for the creative concept, design and production of the packaging, Christmas card design and printing, logistics, purchasing, packaging and shipping of gifts. We don't know if the St. Paul's factory is a good place to start. Santa Claus works just as comprehensively, but we covered the topic from A to Z!

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