
Nespresso Yoga Day

Portfolio We care about wellness This is our next project for Nespresso’s HR Department. This time, in celebration of the holidays, which for many of us are better known by the phrase “Christmas fever,” Nespresso invited its employees to go into slow mode and take an online yoga class. What did we have to do […]


Portfolio We do hybrid events The hybrid event is a nod to those who cannot attend the event in person. It also allows us to invite any number of guests, as we are then not bound by space limitations. So, since we had no limits, we prepared a conference for 350 people! Task of the […]

Nespresso Vertuo

Portfolio Nespresso. What else? Nespresso is the world’s leading manufacturer and marketer of coffee machines, capsules and accessories. Nespresso products give its customers the opportunity to prepare at home the same delicious coffee they could previously only drink in a coffee shop. The brand is currently launching a new product line called Vertuo. Before he […]

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